AMG Commitment to Quality

It is AMG’s policy to provide our customers with products and services that comply with the established requirements while meeting or exceeding their needs and expectations for performance, delivery and reliability at a competitive cost. In support of this policy, we are committed to continually improving the effectiveness of our quality management systems. We also ensure that an adequate framework is provided for the establishment and review of specific quality objectives.

We are proud of the fact that many of our customers are so impressed and reassured by the high quality of AMG's products, that they allow us to ship directly to their end-users. When dock-to-stock shipping becomes the standard delivery method, then we know our customers trust us to deliver the highest quality products — under their company name.


AMG is AS9100 certified. This reaffirms what our customers already know: The quality of our products and the methods we use to manufacture them are second to none.

What is AS9100? AS9100 is an aerospace standard (AS) that was released by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) based on the internationally recognized standard ISO 9001. Both AS9100 and ISO 9001 are standards that include requirements for implementing a Quality Management System (QMS) in your organization; however, AS9100 is modified for aviation, space, and defense organizations. AS9100 is based on the ISO 9001 requirements. ISO 9001 is an internationally recognized standard for Quality Management Systems that is published by ISO (the International Organization for Standardization). The requirements are recognized around the world as an acceptable basis for implementing a QMS.

Why is AS9100 important? Major aerospace manufacturers and suppliers worldwide require compliance and/or registration to AS9100 as a condition of doing business with them. AS9100 is recognized by the U.S. Government and Department of Defense as a standard to qualify a company as a reliable manufacturer.

AMG Commitment to Quality

ITAR Registered

AMG is registered with the Department of State, Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance. If you have critical defense related projects that require machining and fabrication, rest assured AMG has the systems, policies and procedures in place necessary in handling sensitive documentation and information under ITAR requirements.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help with your machining, fabrication, and assembly needs!

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